ARM DevKit

Samsung Arndale

Here are Arndale development board specifications:

  • CPU Board
    • Exynos 5 Cortex-A15@1.7 GHz dual core
    • 2GB 32-bit 800 MHz LPDDR3/LPDDR2
  • Base Board
    • Sensors
      • Accelerator : Invensence MPU-6050
      • Gyro : Invensence MPU-6050
      • e-Compass : AKM -AK8963C
    • Camera Interfaces: ITU 601, MIPI CSI
    • Video Ouput:
      • HDMI 1.4 interface (micro HDMI)
      • 1 channel eDP output Single WQXGA
      • MIPI DSI interface
    • USB:
      • 1x USB3.0 Host
      • 2x USB2.0 Host
      • 1x USB 2.0 OTG
    • SATA 1.0/2.0/3.0 interface
    • 1 channel eMMC 4.5
    • 1 channel SDIO 3.0
    • 2 channel SD 2.0 (microSD slot)
    • 4 channel high-speed UART(up to 3Mbps data rate for Bluetooth 2.0 EDR and IrDA 1.0SIR)
    • 3 channel high-speed SPI
    • 3 channel 24-bit I2S audio interface
    • 4 channel I2C interface support , up to 400kbps
    • 4 channel HS-I2C up to 3.1Mps
    • 10/100 Mb Ethernet

add-on boards are also available:

  • Sound board with Wolfson WM1811A Multi-Channel Audio Hub CODEC
  • Connectivity board (WiFi/Bt/GPS) with Samsung SWB-A51H (ATHEROS AR6003)  for Wifi and Bluetooth connectivity and CSR G05t for GPS support
  • Camera board – 5M Pixel Camera capable of 15fps full resolution and 120 fps QVGA video capture.
  • Display board -7″ Capacitive touch LCD

See the block diagram below for an overview of the complete development kit including CPU modules, main board and optional boards.

Cortex A15 Development Kit Block Diagram

Samsung provides pre-built images of  U-boot 2010. 12,  kernel 3.0.31 and Android 4.11.r4, which can be downloaded from their resources section, and plan to release the source code in December. Hardware schematics are also available for download (except for the CPU module), and there’s already some documentation also it looks like work in progress. [Update: While checking out if Linaro was involved with this board, I found out they are, and provides Ubuntu server for the Arndale board]

The basic package (ARNDALE-5250-A) comes with the CPU module, the base board and the sound and connectivity boards (which are not really optional after all) and it sells today for $249.  Shipments are expected to start on the 20th of November. If you go to ARM Techcon 2012 next week, you may also get one for free.

Visit howchip online store for details on pricing of different modules and accessories, and for further information about the board.

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Battle For The Net

If you woke up tomorrow, and your internet looked like this, what would you do? Imagine all your favorite websites taking forever to load, while you get annoying notifications from your ISP suggesting you switch to one of their approved “Fast Lane” sites.Think about what we would lose: all the weird, alternative, interesting, and enlightening stuff that makes the Internet so much cooler than mainstream Cable TV. What if the only news sites you could reliably connect to were the ones that had deals with companies like Comcast and Verizon?On September 10th, just a few days before the FCC’s comment deadline, public interest organizations are issuing an open, international call for websites and internet users to unite for an “Internet Slowdown” to show the world what the web would be like if Team Cable gets their way and trashes net neutrality. Net neutrality is hard to explain, so our hope is that this action will help SHOW the world what’s really at stake if we lose the open Internet.If you’ve got a website, blog or tumblr, get the code to join the #InternetSlowdown here: else, here’s a quick list of things you can do to help spread the word about the slowdown: Get creative! Don’t let us tell you what to do. See you on the net September 10th!

via Battle For The Net.